The Onyx in The Greens - Dubai residental property project
Cap rates, sales prices, rents and deal volumes
Sales prices for completed properties in The Onyx
Size, sqm
Sale price, AED/sqm
Sale price, AED
Rents in The Onyx
Size, sqm
Rent, AED/sqm/ year
Rent, AED
The cap rate (rental yield) of investments into The Onyx project is 6.0% on average.
The price of an apartment in The Onyx is 17,867 AED/sqm on average.
Price for completed 3 bedroom apartment in The Onyx is 4,300,000 AED or 17,867 AED/sqm.
Rent in The Onyx is 17,867 AED/sqm/year on average for long term rent of an apartment.
Rent for 1 bedroom apartment in The Onyx is 155,000 AED or 1,202 AED/sqm. Rent for 3 bedroom apartment in The Onyx is 240,000 AED or 996 AED/sqm.
Q&A on The Onyx
What projects are better than 'The Onyx' project in Dubai which are located close by, and why?
Al Sidir in The Greens: - Family-friendly environment with spacious layouts. - Proximity to multiple retail and dining options.
Emaar Business Park: - Superior commercial space with state-of-the-art facilities. - Proximity to transport hubs like Dubai Metro.
The Fairways: - High-end amenities including a golf course view. - Resort-like facilities such as swimming pools and fitness centers.
Panorama: - Modern architecture and high-quality finishes. - Enhanced security and extensive green spaces.
The Views: - Direct access to the Emirates Golf Club. - Recreational facilities such as parks, walkways, and water features.
What are the closest schools to 'The Onyx' project in Dubai?
- Regent International School, approximately 1.5 kilometers away, located in The Greens. - American School of Dubai, roughly 2 kilometers distant, situated in Al Barsha. - Dubai International Academy, about 3 kilometers away, located in Emirates Hills. - GEMS Wellington International School, around 4 kilometers distant, situated in Al Sufouh. - Emirates International School Meadows, approximately 5 kilometers away, located in The Meadows.